Racing Pigeon / Merpati Pos

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Racing Pigeon / Merpati Pos

Forum Racing Pigeon Indonesia - Bersama Demi Kemajuan Merpati Pos di Indonesia

Forum Racing Pigeon Indonesia Bersama Demi Kemajuan Merpati Pos di Indonesia - Tempat kita berbagi, tukar pikiran, mempererat hubungan silahturahmi Pos mania.

2 posters

    The Miracles of Chlorine...NOT!

    Qe Boo

    Jumlah posting : 9
    Join date : 12.11.10
    Lokasi : Malang

    The Miracles of Chlorine...NOT! Empty The Miracles of Chlorine...NOT!

    Post  Qe Boo Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:04 pm

    **Before reading this article I would like to tell you that I DO NOT AGREE! with putting chlorine, bleach or any other chemical like that into your birds drinking water. These chemicals are toxic to the birds, in the article below you will notice that Dr. Marx states that after using the chlorine in his loft his loft was essentially disease free. I have no doubt that Dr. Marx’s birds were disease free because the chlorine will kill all bad bacterias in the birds however along with killing the “bad” bacteria the “Good” bacteria in the birds will also be destroyed which in turn will destroy the birds immune system and natural immunity to disease. Let me give you a little scenario lets say you chlorinate your birds drinking water in your loft yes your birds seem to be disease free but after drinking the chlorinated water your birds immune system becomes weak. Now lets say you ship your birds to a race and now your birds are kept in a loft that doesnt chlorinate their water. Without the chlorine acting as an artificial immune system in the birds your birds own weakened immune system will be bombarded by normal bacteria from both the new loft and the new birds that they come in contact with. Now your birds are highly subseptable to new disease that normally the chlorine would have killed and so on and so fourth. My opinion when keeping pigeons is to only medicate when absoluetly necessary. Some fanciers in my opinion go overboard and weaken the natural immunity of their birds with artificial supplements. The reason why I posted the below article was to show you different ideas and opinions that fanciers have. Again I DO NOT agree with chlorinating your birds drinking water, in my opinion please use it for what is was meant for; a cleaning solution and a cleaning solution only.**

    Thanks -Chris

    The Miracles of Chlorine

    The addition of common household bleach to the drinking water does, indeed, have beneficial effects on pigeon health.

    This seems a little weird since the drinking of cholrinated water has negative implications in human health, especially with suggestions that it may be incriminated in the increased rate of cancer.

    Chlorine is a strong chemical which binds to most organic molecules and can change their chemical identity, making some non-toxic compounds become toxic.

    Personally, I use a filter on my drinking water which removes chlorine; but my pigeons drink a lot of it with what I percieve as beneficial effects. NEVER PUT ANYTHING ELSE IN THE DRINKING WATER AT THE SAME TIME AS CHLORINE.

    The ususal method of treating the drinking water is to add 1 to 2 teaspoonsful of common household bleach, such as Clorox or Purex, to each gallon of water. The amount varies depending on the temperature. When it is hot the chlorine leaves the water faster, so use more; when it is cold, it leaves the water slowly so use less.

    Chlorine is a very strong disinfectant and keeps the water-transmission of disease organisms to a minimum. Most diseases of pigeons can be spread via the drinking water, so the judicious use of a disinfectant can prevent some of the things that our pigeons may be exposed to.

    There may be a hidden benefit as well: the increased consumption of chlorine, which in turn is eliminated by the kidneys, produces a more acid urine. The urine is excreted along with the feces.(it is the white cap on the feces) This net result is a more acidic dropping. Salmonella, and other bacteria, dislikes an acidic environment.

    This may decrease the environmental proliferation of the bacteria, making it less likely for pigeons to contract an infective dose. This is theory, and not proven scientific fact, so thake it for what it is worth. I have given it a lot of thought and concluded that this is why lofts that deal with paratyphoid do better after treatment, if the birds are kept on this chlorinated water.

    I handled convention race birds this last spring/summer. The only thing that I did for the birds was to keep them on chlorinated water. Mine was the only loft that experienced no sick pigeons. Is that coincidence? I think it probably isn’t.

    I also theorize that drinking this chlorinated water has a negative influence on the trichomonads in the oral cavity. I need to do some simple research to confirm this but, in my mind, it should have some effect on the numbers of these organisms. It at least will minimize the water transmission of trichomonas; and this is the main route of spread.

    Remember: NEVER PUT ANYTHING ELSE IN THE WATER AT THE SAME TIME AS CHLORINE. IT WILL PROBABLY NEUTRALIZE THESE COMPOUNDS OR RENDER THEM TOXIC TO THE BIRDS . When wanting to give vitamins or a treatment for coccicia, worms, or trichomonas, etc., simply leave out the chlorine for those days and then resume when the dosing is completed.

    Household bleach should not be considered a treatment, but only a preventive measure.

    Jumlah posting : 29
    Join date : 13.11.10
    Lokasi : Kota Bandar Lampung

    The Miracles of Chlorine...NOT! Empty Re: The Miracles of Chlorine...NOT!

    Post  bluebar Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:50 pm

    Qe Boo wrote:**Before reading this article I would like to tell you that I DO NOT AGREE! with putting chlorine, bleach or any other chemical like that into your birds drinking water. These chemicals are toxic to the birds, in the article below you will notice that Dr. Marx states that after using the chlorine in his loft his loft was essentially disease free. I have no doubt that Dr. Marx’s birds were disease free because the chlorine will kill all bad bacterias in the birds however along with killing the “bad” bacteria the “Good” bacteria in the birds will also be destroyed which in turn will destroy the birds immune system and natural immunity to disease. Let me give you a little scenario lets say you chlorinate your birds drinking water in your loft yes your birds seem to be disease free but after drinking the chlorinated water your birds immune system becomes weak. Now lets say you ship your birds to a race and now your birds are kept in a loft that doesnt chlorinate their water. Without the chlorine acting as an artificial immune system in the birds your birds own weakened immune system will be bombarded by normal bacteria from both the new loft and the new birds that they come in contact with. Now your birds are highly subseptable to new disease that normally the chlorine would have killed and so on and so fourth. My opinion when keeping pigeons is to only medicate when absoluetly necessary. Some fanciers in my opinion go overboard and weaken the natural immunity of their birds with artificial supplements. The reason why I posted the below article was to show you different ideas and opinions that fanciers have. Again I DO NOT agree with chlorinating your birds drinking water, in my opinion please use it for what is was meant for; a cleaning solution and a cleaning solution only.**

    Thanks -Chris

    The Miracles of Chlorine

    The addition of common household bleach to the drinking water does, indeed, have beneficial effects on pigeon health.

    This seems a little weird since the drinking of cholrinated water has negative implications in human health, especially with suggestions that it may be incriminated in the increased rate of cancer.

    Chlorine is a strong chemical which binds to most organic molecules and can change their chemical identity, making some non-toxic compounds become toxic.

    Personally, I use a filter on my drinking water which removes chlorine; but my pigeons drink a lot of it with what I percieve as beneficial effects. NEVER PUT ANYTHING ELSE IN THE DRINKING WATER AT THE SAME TIME AS CHLORINE.

    The ususal method of treating the drinking water is to add 1 to 2 teaspoonsful of common household bleach, such as Clorox or Purex, to each gallon of water. The amount varies depending on the temperature. When it is hot the chlorine leaves the water faster, so use more; when it is cold, it leaves the water slowly so use less.

    Chlorine is a very strong disinfectant and keeps the water-transmission of disease organisms to a minimum. Most diseases of pigeons can be spread via the drinking water, so the judicious use of a disinfectant can prevent some of the things that our pigeons may be exposed to.

    There may be a hidden benefit as well: the increased consumption of chlorine, which in turn is eliminated by the kidneys, produces a more acid urine. The urine is excreted along with the feces.(it is the white cap on the feces) This net result is a more acidic dropping. Salmonella, and other bacteria, dislikes an acidic environment.

    This may decrease the environmental proliferation of the bacteria, making it less likely for pigeons to contract an infective dose. This is theory, and not proven scientific fact, so thake it for what it is worth. I have given it a lot of thought and concluded that this is why lofts that deal with paratyphoid do better after treatment, if the birds are kept on this chlorinated water.

    I handled convention race birds this last spring/summer. The only thing that I did for the birds was to keep them on chlorinated water. Mine was the only loft that experienced no sick pigeons. Is that coincidence? I think it probably isn’t.

    I also theorize that drinking this chlorinated water has a negative influence on the trichomonads in the oral cavity. I need to do some simple research to confirm this but, in my mind, it should have some effect on the numbers of these organisms. It at least will minimize the water transmission of trichomonas; and this is the main route of spread.

    Remember: NEVER PUT ANYTHING ELSE IN THE WATER AT THE SAME TIME AS CHLORINE. IT WILL PROBABLY NEUTRALIZE THESE COMPOUNDS OR RENDER THEM TOXIC TO THE BIRDS . When wanting to give vitamins or a treatment for coccicia, worms, or trichomonas, etc., simply leave out the chlorine for those days and then resume when the dosing is completed.

    Household bleach should not be considered a treatment, but only a preventive measure.

    Kira kira artinya kaya gini, klo ada yang bisa memperbaiki bahasanya lebih baik monggo mas.....

    Sebelum membaca artikel ini saya ingin memberitahu Anda bahwa saya TIDAK SETUJU! dengan menempatkan klorin, pemutih atau bahan kimia lain seperti itu ke dalam air minum burung. Zat kimia ini beracun kepada burung-burung, dalam artikel di bawah ini Anda akan melihat bahwa Dr Marx menyatakan bahwa setelah menggunakan klorin di loteng loteng nya dasarnya bebas penyakit. Saya tidak ragu bahwa burung Dr Marx adalah penyakit gratis karena klorin akan membunuh semua bakteri buruk di burung namun bersama dengan membunuh "buruk" bakteri yang "baik" bakteri dalam burung juga akan dihancurkan yang pada gilirannya akan menghancurkan burung sistem kekebalan tubuh dan kekebalan alami terhadap penyakit. Mari saya beri kamu skenario kecil katakanlah Anda klorinasi burung Anda minum air di loteng Anda ya burung Anda tampaknya akan penyakit bebas tetapi setelah minum air yang mengandung klor burung Anda sistem kekebalan tubuh menjadi lemah. Sekarang katakanlah Anda mengirimkan burung Anda untuk perlombaan dan sekarang burung Anda disimpan di loteng yang doesnt klorinasi air mereka. Tanpa klorin bertindak sebagai sistem kekebalan buatan pada burung burung anda sendiri sistem kekebalan tubuh melemah akan dibombardir oleh bakteri yang normal dari kedua loteng baru dan burung-burung baru yang mereka datang dalam kontak dengan. Sekarang burung Anda sangat subseptable untuk penyakit baru yang biasanya klorin akan membunuh dan seterusnya dan keempat. Pendapat saya ketika menjaga merpati adalah hanya mengobati ketika absoluetly diperlukan. Beberapa peternak menurut saya berlebihan dan melemahkan kekebalan alami burung mereka dengan suplemen buatan. Alasan mengapa saya diposting di bawah artikel ini adalah untuk menunjukkan ide yang berbeda dan pendapat yang peternak miliki. Sekali lagi saya TIDAK setuju dengan klorinasi burung air minum Anda, menurut saya silahkan menggunakannya untuk apa yang dimaksudkan untuk; solusi pembersih dan larutan pembersih hanya .**

    Terima kasih-Chris

    The Keajaiban Klor

    Penambahan pemutih rumah tangga biasa ke air minum tidak, memang, memiliki efek menguntungkan pada kesehatan merpati.

    Hal ini tampaknya sedikit aneh sejak minum air cholrinated memiliki implikasi negatif pada kesehatan manusia, terutama dengan saran yang mungkin dicurigai di tingkat peningkatan kanker.

    Klorin adalah bahan kimia kuat yang mengikat molekul yang paling organik dan dapat mengubah identitas kimia, membuat beberapa senyawa yang tidak beracun menjadi beracun.

    Secara pribadi, saya menggunakan filter pada air minum saya yang menghilangkan klorin, tetapi merpati saya minum banyak dengan apa yang saya anggap sebagai efek yang menguntungkan. PERNAH PUT LAINNYA DI AIR MINUM PADA WAKTU YANG SAMA SEBAGAI CHLOR.

    Metode ususal mengobati air minum adalah dengan menambahkan 1 sampai 2 teaspoonsful pemutih rumah tangga biasa, seperti Clorox atau Purex, untuk setiap galon air. Jumlah tersebut bervariasi tergantung pada suhu. Saat sedang panas klorin daun air lebih cepat, jadi gunakan lebih; ketika cuaca dingin, ia meninggalkan air perlahan-lahan jadi gunakan kurang.

    Klorin merupakan desinfektan yang sangat kuat dan membuat air-organisme penularan penyakit minimum. Kebanyakan penyakit merpati dapat menyebar melalui air minum, sehingga penggunaan bijaksana disinfektan yang bisa mencegah beberapa hal yang merpati kita mungkin terkena.

    Mungkin ada manfaat tersembunyi juga: meningkatnya konsumsi klorin, yang pada gilirannya dieliminasi oleh ginjal, menghasilkan urin yang lebih asam. urin ini dikeluarkan bersama dengan kotoran (itu adalah topi putih pada tinja) Ini Hasil akhirnya adalah menjatuhkan lebih asam.. Salmonella, dan bakteri lainnya, suka lingkungan yang asam.

    Hal ini dapat mengurangi proliferasi lingkungan dari bakteri, sehingga lebih kecil kemungkinannya untuk merpati untuk kontrak dosis infektif. Ini adalah teori, dan tidak terbukti fakta ilmiah, sehingga thake untuk apa yang layak. Aku telah banyak pemikiran dan menyimpulkan bahwa ini adalah mengapa Lofts yang berhubungan dengan paratifoid berbuat lebih baik setelah perawatan, jika burung dipelihara pada air yang mengandung klor.

    Aku ditangani konvensi burung lomba ini musim semi lalu / musim panas. Satu-satunya hal yang saya lakukan untuk burung adalah untuk menjaga mereka pada air yang mengandung klor. Punyaku loteng satunya yang tidak mengalami merpati sakit. Apakah kebetulan itu? Saya pikir mungkin tidak.

    Saya juga berteori bahwa minum air yang mengandung klor ini memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap trichomonads di rongga mulut. Saya perlu melakukan beberapa riset sederhana untuk mengkonfirmasi hal ini tetapi, dalam pikiran saya, itu harus memiliki beberapa efek pada jumlah organisme ini. Ini setidaknya akan meminimalkan transmisi air trichomonas, dan ini adalah rute utama penyebaran.

    Ingat: PERNAH PUT LAINNYA DI AIR YANG PADA WAKTU YANG SAMA SEBAGAI CHLOR. TI MUNGKIN AKAN menetralisir SENYAWA ATAU MEREKA RACUN RENDER ATAS BURUNG. Ketika ingin memberikan vitamin atau pengobatan untuk coccicia, cacing, atau trichomonas, dll, cukup biarkan klorin untuk hari-hari dan kemudian diteruskan bila dosis selesai.

    pemutih Rumah Tangga tidak boleh dianggap pengobatan, tetapi hanya tindakan pencegahan.

      Waktu sekarang Sat Apr 20, 2024 12:56 am